11/18 Colleen

I have to say what a wonderful blessing I received today when two beautiful women who I do not know came to my door and presented me a gift basket and stunning autumn colored flowers! The last couple of years have been sad and overwhelming with the sudden passing of my husband and then my surgery for a brain tumor found nine months later. I am recovering and learning a new life. God has been my help through everything and sent so many wonderful friends, family and people I do not even know to get me through each day. Thank you two women especially who visited with me today! May you and the others be blessed through these holidays and the time after knowing God has used you to help other women going through hard times. Thank you so much for all you have given me!

11/18 Alex

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous gift yesterday. Please know that my children and I are very grateful for your kindness and that it will help us rebuild a little quicker than we hoped.

Have a blessed Sunday

11/17 Julia

Ladies! Whoever you are, wherever you are, YOU ARE AMAZING. GOD IS SO GOOD. I'm sorry I took so long to write this. I was so humbled, I really couldn't come up with the words. You see your timing was incredible. Your cards to my family so beautiful. Your gifts so plentiful it's incredible. I was having a really rough week, we were, as a family. Though I KNEW God was there as always, I was asking for a sign, to hear from my sweet Father, I was really low. And then your package came. I just wept, as did my husband. My teenager was touched, but you know teenagers. So thank you, I wish I could send a note, but honestly the fact that this came anonymously makes it even more incredible. I can only hope to return the favor to someone in the future. Much love and many prayers for your work. God bless, Julia

11/17 Becky

I want to thank you for your generosity and kindness. I found a gift for our family and daughter in my mailbox. It was so uplifting and reassurung. We are not alone in our journey. After looking at who this all was from, I found your links here online.Thank you; you have made a difference. We have angels in our lives.

11/15 Shawn

My name is Karen Shannon and I am a close friend of Shawn. Shawn was a recent recipient of a gift from 12 Ordinary Women. Shawn is finishing a 30 day radiation treatment as well as continued weekly chemotherapy and is very ill with severe side effects and complications She has dictated a thank you note to me to send to you on her behalf.
Dear Twelve Ordinary Women,

I'm not sure I have the words to express my sincere thanks to you all. I opened the envelope, which I thought was a card, as soon as I returned to my desk. I was stunned to see the cash and literally cried like a baby. Life has been very difficult these last 7 years - and the icing on the cake came last year with a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. I've been shown such amazing compassion and concern by my friends, and strangers. It has kept my faith and confidence high.

I am so grateful to all of you - extraordinary women - I can see your angel wings - and I thank you for your generosity and concern!

With love,

P.S. This is the quote by Henry David Thoreau that I was telling you about!

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what is had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

11/15 Karen

I just received a beautiful gift from 12 Ordinary Women and I must say you deeply touched my heart with your generosity of spirit, your generosity of kindness, your generosity of gift giving and your words of inspiration opened my heart even further as I read your card. You have touched me deeply in a way that is inexplicable and I will never forget it!

Thank you so much 12 Ordinary Women.
With love and great appreciation,

11/15 Amber belated thank you

To the 12 Ordinary (or rather Extraordinary) Women that gave me a visit some time ago. 
Hello!  My name is Amber Sear and I am very late in thanking you women, this group, for paying me a visit quite awhile ago.  I think I know the gem of a woman that is behind your visiting, but she will not confess!  She’s as stubborn as I am, I think!  I am hoping you can share this thank you with all involved as it is so important to me that I share my gratefulness & know that it is being communicated. 

Ladies, thank you so much for your very generous & perfectly crafted care package.  I am overwhelmed by what was included in the gorgeous wooden box.  I am especially overwhelmed by your care & support & generosity of spirit.  It has lifted me up MANY TIMES in this somewhat challenging journey I am in.  The gift cards have fed my family & that takes such a weight & concern off my shoulders that you can not imagine. 

Again, thank you & May God shine upon your group.  Beyond words, I am just beyond words. 


11/11 Ann Marie York,PA

Our kids were out raking leaves when a husband and wife that we did not recognice pulled up. I was in my PJs, cleaning, and did not come to the door (so sorry!). We have been blessed with several amazing meals. Everything looks and smells sooo good! Our oldest daughter has been battling a yet undiagnosed illness for 10 mths, now. She has flare ups that come and go every 2-4 weeks and make her very sick. She has missed out on a lot over the last year. We have had a lot of drs. appointments, tests and ER visits. My husband also had 3 surgeries over the last year, as well. Our son is on the autism spectrum and raising him is trying (rewarding, but trying.) So, it's been a difficult year for us. To know that there are good people out there who genuinely care, love us and want to offer support and help means so much. Thank you to whoever did this for us. You are a blessing and I hope God blesses you one-hundred fold. I would love to get involved with your organization here in York, PA but I don't know who to contact! If you see this , please let me know :) Thank you and God bless you! Love, Ann Marie

11/11 Kim

I received a beautiful poinsettia, Christmas chest and many gift cards today. I am just overwhelmed with the generosity. I can’t begin to tell you how much this means. I’m not sure where you got my name but thank you to whomever submitted my name and to everyone involved in this wonderful organization. You truely make a difference.

Thank you.

11/5 Lee

Thank you for the lovely bracelet ... most of all thank you for your prayers for my family.  I will always keep

Doug close in my heart and remember all the wonderful memories I have of him.  Doug was a wonderful son, brother, husband and father.  I am so broken hearted and pray  that

Doug is at peace.

To 12 Ordinary Women I appreciate your prayers and kindness at this most difficult time.

